This past Tuesday, some Christian friends and I were gathered at an UT alumni family's house. As we were diving into the Word, we got into the matter of knowing and loving Jesus. So I would like to present a question, Throughout the whole Bible, what is the main subject, the one topic, of the Book? It is just our Lord Jesus Christ. In Colossians 1:17, it says that all things hold together in Him. That means that He is the center of all the things in the world! No doubt there are many topics in the Bible, but they all just concern one person, Jesus Christ! In John 5:39, we see that Jews were searching the Scriptures for eternal life, but they completely missed the One right in front of them which is what the whole Bible is about!
So it is great knowing about this person, but how is this wonderful Person revealed to us? First, I would like to point out two stories in the Bible. Matthew 2 is the story of the magi and Herod the king. So in Matthew 2:4, Herod gathered all the chief priests and scribes to identify where would be born, and even in Matthew 2:6-7, they were able to accurately determine when and where Jesus would be born. However, their intentions and their hearts were not in the right place. In fact, later on we see that Herod had an ulterior motive. However, in Matthew 2:10, when the magi saw the star, they rejoiced. Because the magi did not just have the mere knowledge of doctrine but rather they were seeking Jesus, they were able to see Him.
This is very true! The whole Bible is about the wonderful Person of Jesus Christ and revealing this precious One to us! Thank You Lord for the Bible! :)